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  • [Daesan Port]

    [Daesan Port]

  • [Taean Port]

    [Taean Port]

  • [Dangjin Power Plant]

    [Dangjin Power Plant]

Dolphin, Mooring Bouy, Poer and Berth

Dolphin, Mooring Bouy, Poer and Berth
Port Berth Code No. Length
Cargo the depth of water
Daesan Port Hyundai Oilbank Dolphin MDK-11 130 3,000 R.P. 8.0
MDK-12 140 5,000 8.9
MDK-13 90 400
MDK-14 215 20,000 C.O.&R.P. 8.9
MDK-15 351 100,000 R.P. 15.4
MDK-16 234 45,000 13.6
MDK-17 234 10,000 12.2
Hyundai Oilbank Mooring Bouy SPM-01 5,280 300,000 C.O. 30
SEETEC Dolphin MDH-21 321 100,000 P.P. 12.5
MDK-22 198 10,000 9.6
MDK-23 296 50,000 14.6
MDK-24 200 10,000 13.9
MDK-25 180 10,000 13.5
Samsung Total Dolphin MDS-31 410 100,000 14.8
MDK-32 232 10,000 9.9
MDK-33 248 10,000 8.8
MDK-34 160 10,000 15.4
MDK-35 120 5,000 12.5
Samsung Total Wharf MBS-01 140 7,200 P.T.A. 7.1
Berth No.1 MB1-01 260 20,000 G.G. 12
Korea Notional Oil Corporation MDN-11 480 325,000 25.5
Boryeong Port Boryeong Thermal Power Dolphin MDB-41 231 135,000 B.C. 24
MDB-42 241 135,000 24
Taean Port Taean Thermal Dolphin MDT-51 254
MDT-52 226 150,000 18.4
Dangjin Power
Dangjin Thermal Dolphin MDT-61 226 150,000 21
MDT-62 253 170,000 21

R.P. : Refined Products, C.O. : Crude Oil, P.P. : Petrochemical Products, P.T.A. : Terephthal G.G. : General Goods, B.C. : Bituminous Coal

Lighter's Wharf

Lighter's Wharf
Port Wharf Code No. Length(m) Capacity(DWT) Cargo
DAESAN PORT HyunDai Oilbank
SEETEC Samsung
MWJ-01 365 3,000 Cokes, etc
MWH-01 70 3,000 General goods
MWS-01 272 4,000
BORYEONG PORT Boryeong Plant
MWB-01 20 2,000 Machinery
MWB-02 70 2,000 Limestone
TAEAN PORT Taean Plant
MWT-01 20 2,000 Machinery
MWT-02 80 1,000
MWT-03 80 3,000 Limestone
MWT-04 107 3,000
Dangjin Plant
MWT-01 20 2,000 Machinery
MWT-02 80 3,000 Limestone